Peace be upon you and under your feet.
Peace be before you like the wind before the wheat.
Peace be within you, yes a peace so sweet
Is a peace of many pieces; let it be complete.
Peace be upon you and peace be below,
Peace upon the mountains and the fields of snow.
Peace upon the people living in the street,
It's a peace of many pieces; let it be complete.
Your peace and my peace are good together.
Peace be upon you - compassionate peace,
Peace upon the anguished and the so-called least.
Peace upon the children and the birds and beasts,
It's a piece of many pieces; let it be complete.
Your peace and my peace, they fit together.
Peace be upon you and peace be below,
Peace upon the mountains and the fields of snow.
Peace upon the table, let the hunger cease.
It's a peace of many pieces; let it be complete.
Your peace and my peace, they fit together.
Your peace and my peace, they're good together,
They work together.
Write a poem with words that sound the same.
A homophone is a word that sounds the same but has two different meanings. "Peace" and "piece" for example. Can you think of a homophone and write a poem about it?